Periodontal Surgery

Minimally Invasive Periodontal Surgery Using Videoscope Technology

There are many different surgical options when treating gum disease. Traditionally, gum disease was treated with big incisions that resulted in recession and sensitive teeth.  During the past decade, there has been a big push in the medical and dental communities to develop techniques that are minimally invasive.  These techniques result in less trauma, less post-operative inflammation, and less discomfort for the patient.

Dr. Pope was one of the first providers in the country to offer Videoscope Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery (VMIS) in his practice and trained under the periodontist who pioneered the technique.  The VMIS protocol utilizes very small incisions and a dental videoscope that projects an image of the surgical area at 48x magnification.

Following debridement of the area, Dr. Pope typically places a bone graft and may use a biologic modifier (Straumann® Emdogain®) to help regrow lost bone around teeth.  Most patients report little to no post-operative discomfort with this technique.  VMIS has improved surgical outcomes while reducing unnecessary surgical trauma to patients.

MicroSight® Dental Videoscope
from Q-Optics

48x magnified view of the roots
using the dental videoscope